I pray in thankfulness, that each of you takes the time to show up each morning to start your day off right, with an acknowledgment of how vital it is to keep your focus on our Lord.
I pray that you know Jesus is always right there with you in every circumstance in your life and that he has a meaningful purpose for you. That he lives in you and that he will never leave you or forsake you. No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter the circumstances in your life…Jesus is willing and longing to meet you right where you are and show you unconditional love.
I pray Lord that you open the eyes of our hearts and guide us in being the best versions of ourselves. Help us to be bold in helping and loving others.
I pray Lord that you provide each of these students with your peace, a peace that can only be found in you.
I pray Lord that you strengthen our Faith. That we know it’s not enough to just have Faith. That Faith that does not result in good deeds is useless. So provide us opportunities to do good, to be good, to bless others.
Lord, we thank you and Glorify you.
Glory to God,
Mr. P.