How to Start SchoolPrayer
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SchoolPrayer meetings only take 15 minutes
If you are interested in answering Your Call to start SchoolPrayer, we believe the following information will be helpful. Please note that you do not need SchoolPrayer’s permission to start. However, SchoolPrayer would greatly appreciate that you register with SchoolPrayer once you start. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Your local school district and school administration policies will determine the specifics of what SchoolPrayer is permitted to do in your school.
The first step to starting SchoolPrayer is to determine if there are students interested in SchoolPrayer. SchoolPrayer must be voluntary. Connecting with students, teachers, pastors, youth leaders, and other devoted Christians is a great way to determine student interest.
One of the most important steps is to determine what your school district policies are concerning SchoolPrayer. School policies involving prayer may be on their website. However, at some point a meeting with the school administration will be necessary. The request to the School Administration will most likely be positively received if both the leader and some students meet with the administration. The decision concerning who should meet with the administration should include someone if possible who has a positive relationship with the administration.
Prayer in public schools must be held during the free time of the students and teachers. SchoolPrayer meetings require only 15 minutes. The request to the school administration would be to allow a 15 minute time slot most likely before school or at lunchtime. SchoolPrayer prefers daily prayer, however 2 to 3 times per week has the potential to change school culture and greatly benefit students. SchoolPrayer meetings after school may have limited attendance because of after school activities.
SchoolPrayer advocates maintaining a positive relationship with school administrators and respecting the administration’s responsibility to protect our students.
One possible solution to a potential hurdle with the school administration revolves around a denial to let students in the school early if the morning window is too short to allow a 15 minute prayer meeting. In this scenario, would the administration allow the teacher or prayleader to meet the students at the school entrance and escort them directly to the prayer meeting ahead of time?
Please note that there can be multiple SchoolPrayer groups in the same school if allowed. SchoolPrayer’s goal is to have at least one SchoolPrayer group for every 100 students.
Two Options for SchoolPrayer
The two options to hold SchoolPrayer are either a Community Group or a School Club. The preferred option is a Community Group (like Boy Scouts, 4 H, Good News Club etc.).
Community Group
SchoolPrayer defined as Community Group can be led by an adult – either a Teacher or a Non-school Person. The meeting place will normally be the Teacher’s room if lead by that Teacher. If the Community Group is lead by a Non-school Person, a Teacher may be allowed to host the meetings in their room or the administration would designate a meeting place.
When SchoolPrayer is held as a Community Group, the Leader can prepare meeting content, as well as lead the meeting. Also, other guests can be invited to lead the group. If the Community Group Leader is a Teacher, they cannot prepare content during their contract time and most likely will not be allowed to use the school copier and supplies to prepare content or use the school media/announcement system to promote SchoolPrayer. However, Community Groups can promote their meetings by word of mouth.
If you are concerned about the content of your meetings, SchoolPrayer has prepared some suggestions available on this website. View suggested content
Once you have started your Community Group, please register. For registering, you will receive a printable SchoolPrayer certificate that can be posted where you meet. SchoolPrayer will maintain a National Registry to document the growth of the SchoolPrayer movement.
Please note that in order to protect our students, SchoolPrayer is required to run a background check before providing a SchoolPrayer certificate. The background check will be paid for by SchoolPrayer.
School Club
SchoolPrayer defined as a School Club must be student led. The Teacher/Advisor(school employee) would be limited on input during the SchoolPrayer meeting and could not lead prayer or lead the discussion. However, the Teacher/Advisor can guide the discussion during the meeting and can be involved in preparing meeting content. The Teacher/Advisor cannot prepare content during their contract time. Also, Teachers and Non-School Persons can help organize the school club’s formation off school property (ie church).
A School Club can use school supplies and copier to prepare content. The School Media/Announcement system can be used to promote club meetings. Promoting club meetings is very important because it has the potential to change the School’s Culture. Non-School Persons cannot regularly attend school club prayer meetings. However, guest speakers can be invited, but not on a regular basis.
A School Club will most likely be required to have organizational documents like a Mission Statement, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Suggested School Club Organizational Documents are listed below at the end of this section.
If you are concerned about the content of your meetings, SchoolPrayer has prepared some suggestions. View suggested content
Once you have started your School Club, please register. For registering, you will receive a printable SchoolPrayer certificate that can be posted where you meet.
Please note that in order to protect our students, SchoolPrayer is required to run a background check before providing a SchoolPrayer certificate. The background check will be paid for by SchoolPrayer.
Fundamental SchoolPrayer Rights
If your school allows other Community Groups or other extra-curricular School Clubs, they should allow SchoolPrayer in a similar fashion.
If Your School does not allow Community Groups or Extra-Curricular School Clubs
If your School does not allow any extra-curricular clubs or community groups, we suggest you go to your school board and respectfully propose change. SchoolPrayer maintains a policy of prohibiting harassment and antagonizing behavior.
Please contact with any questions.
Organizational Documents for SchoolPrayer Clubs
These documents are offered as suggested organizational documents for a SchoolPrayer group that is forming as a school club. The use of these specific documents to form your SchoolPrayer school club is not required, however your school will most likely require some organizational documents to form your school club.
Please note organizational documents may not be required if your SchoolPrayer group is forming as a community group. If you are forming as a community group, your school administration wiil most likely tell you if you need organizational documents.
SchoolPrayer Constitution
SchoolPrayer Statement of Goal:
SchoolPrayer is a non-denominational Christian movement that will strive to reestablish a culture of consistent prayer in public schools.
SchoolPrayer Mission Statement:
SchoolPrayer is a non-denominational Christian movement that will strive to reestablish a culture of consistent prayer in public schools. Fostering a supportive environment, students of all backgrounds can come together to engage in prayer. Through meaningful prayer gatherings, we aspire to create a space that promotes personal growth and a strong sense of community. We aim to encourage students to be the very best versions of themselves.
SchoolPrayer Club Membership:
Members of our SchoolPrayer Club must be students in our school. Any student who has Christian beliefs or desires to become a Christian can be a member of our club. Students from any Christian denomination can be a member of our club.
Members of our SchoolPrayer Club strive to be the very best version of themselves.
SchoolPrayer Officers:
Officers must be an active member of our SchoolPrayer club. Officers must be elected by a majority vote at the annual meeting. Each officers length of term shall be one year. All officers are expected to pursue the Goal and Mission of SchoolPrayer.
SchoolPrayer Officers Duties:
President: The President will chair and coordinate all SchoolPrayer meetings.
Vice-President: The Vice-President will assume the responsibilities of the President in their absence. The President may also delegate some duties to the Vice-President.
Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the minutes of the organization as well as any financial records.
SchoolPrayer Advisor:
The SchoolPrayer Club will select their faculty Advisor. The Advisor must be an employee of the school. The Advisor can prepare content for the meeting and guide (but not lead) the discussion during the meeting.
SchoolPrayer Meeting Rules:
SchoolPrayer meetings will follow the rules of this constitution. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used to define any situations that are not covered by this constitution.
SchoolPrayer Bill of Rights
- Students may meet with other religious students and can discuss on campus religious issues.
- Students have the right to talk about their religious beliefs on campus.
- Students have the right to hand out religious literature on campus.
- Students may pray alone or with fellow students as long as they do not disrupt school activities. Their prayers may not be forced upon others.
- Students have the right to have their Bible on campus.
- Students have the right to write research papers, speeches, and other creative projects with religious themes.
- Students have the right to be exempt from classes that contradict with their religious beliefs.
- Students have the right to study and celebrate religious holidays on campus.
- Student have the right to meet with school officials and make religious requests.