Lord, I’m so thankful for each and every one of these students. They are such blessings. I am thankful that they choose to start their day off focusing on you.

Lord, I pray that you help these students realize they have a purpose for serving you. And that they might not know exactly what that is right now, that they

Lord, please help these students to trust in you with all their hearts. Help them to not lean on their own understanding, but always turn to you and trust in

Lord, I know school can be a welcoming place or a lonely experience for our students. Please guide them as they seek to be leaders. Encourage those who are timid

Lord, I pray that these students feel at home in the school. That the school fulfills its purpose. That students can discover new things and gain knowledge that will last

Lord, I pray for these students, as I know that life can be really tough sometimes. But I also know that you have promised that you will never leave us

Lord let us all have grateful hearts today, as we seek your guidance and blessings. I pray that you provide these students the strength and wisdom to be the best

Lord, I pray that you guide these students and that you use their time to help them grow in faith and trust. Help them to understand what it means to

I pray that in this new year we all grow closer to Jesus, that we walk confidently in our purpose, and that we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I pray that you guard these students from those who bully or tease because of their own insecurities. As iron sharpens iron, may they choose friends wisely, always asking